Saturday, July 29, 2017

Red Cross Assists Individuals Impacted by Localized Flooding

Throughout Saturday, teams of Red Cross volunteers canvassed areas in Washington, Fayette, and Allegheny Counties to assist individuals who were impacted by localized flash flooding. Over 110 clean-up kits were distributed to families who sustained some type of flood damage, and 12 families were provided with additional assistance due to more severe home damage.

In Washington County, a shelter is currently operating at the New Eagle Recreation Hall (156 Chess Street). At one point during the day, 10 individuals visited this location. As of this evening, all those who were at the shelter were able to return home or were able to secure alterative housing. The shelter will be kept open for the time-being, until the Monongahela River has crested through that area.

In Allegheny County volunteers met with families in various Pittsburgh South Hills’ neighborhoods, while additional volunteers met with residents in the Masontown, Uniontown, and Fairchance areas of Fayette County. Red Cross volunteers were able to assess flood damage and provided support as needed to those residents.

On Sunday, the Red Cross will be back in the community to assess any additional flood-related needs. Anyone requiring Red Cross assistance due to localized flooding should call 888-217-9599 and select option 1 to reach our dispatch center to arrange to speak with a Red Cross caseworker.

Additional information will be posted to our Twitter feed @RedCrossWPA as needed.

All American Red Cross disaster assistance is provided free of charge and is made possible by the voluntary donations of time and money from caring individuals and, in part, by contributions given through the United Way. You can help people affected by disasters big and small by making a donation to support American Red Cross Disaster Relief. Visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to learn more.

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