Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Church helps collect 1,000 pints of blood at Red Cross drives

By: Nicole Roschella

One person can help save hundreds of lives by hosting a blood drive. The leaders at West Shore Baptist Church in Camp Hill have helped thousands of people by opening their doors to the community and hosting Red Cross blood drives.

“We’ve found it to be very easy. The Red Cross does all the legwork getting it set up and scheduled,” said Steve Campbell, Blood Program Leader at West Shore Baptist Church.

Steve and his wife Gayle are dedicated to representing their church and hosting Red Cross blood drives with the help of Pastor Kelly Legg and Missions Chair Sue Sweigard.

“When COVID hit, we weren’t using our fellowship hall very much, so we started hosting blood drives more frequently because we had the space,” Campbell said. “We try to make it a friendly environment: easy to access, easy to participate, friendly and warm.”

Blood donations at West Shore Baptist Church greatly increased under Campbell’s leadership during the pandemic. Since 2010, the church has hosted over 30 Red Cross blood drives and collected more than 1,000 pints of blood. The Red Cross awarded the Campbells with a certificate for their accomplishment.

“The team from the Red Cross that comes to our blood drives works together so well. You can tell they enjoy what they do,” Campbell said. “They're encouraging to all the donors and help everyone feel comfortable. They do an excellent job.”

If your church or organization is interested in hosting a Red Cross blood drive, visit our website. Blood donors are encouraged to schedule an appointment by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visiting